The City of Winnipeg is amending its current animal by-law and bringing forth a new Responsible Pet Ownership By-Law. On Thursday, July 4, WHS CEO Bill McDonald will represent The WHS at a standing committee at City Hall in support of this proposed By-Law.
These new amendments are important to Winnipeg for a number of animal issues. The most important is the provision on cat licensing. For the very first time, cats will have to be licensed in the City of Winnipeg. The net proceeds from the license fees collected will be provided to The WHS to expand our spay/neuter program.
The other significant provision in the By-Law concerns exotic animals. Once this By-Law passes City Council a section states, “the Chief Operating Officer does not have the authority to issue a special permit to authorize a travelling zoo, travelling exhibit or a circus from keeping or harbouring a prohibited animal while in Winnipeg.” This means no more circuses can come to town with any exotic animal, period!
Please contact the following City politicians and let them know you support the Responsible Pet Ownership By-Law, as they are the committee members that will first pass this important legislation. They are:
- Councillor Scott Fielding:
- Councillor Harvey Smith:
- Councillor Ross Eadie:
- Councillor Thomas Steen:
The message to them is simple: please pass this new Responsible Pet Ownership By-Law!
Thank you for your support of The Winnipeg Humane Society.