The Winnipeg Humane Society offers a Pet First Aid Course on the following date:
- Saturday, May 23, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. FULL
- Please stay tuned for more Pet First Aid classes!
This “paws-on” course is designed to give pet lovers the necessary information that will help you respond to a life-threatening emergency involving your dog or cat. Every pet lover should learn these important skills:
- how to approach a sick or injured dog or cat
- safe restraint and transport
- recognition and assessment of an emergency involving your pet
- to give lifesaving rescue breathing and CPR to cats and dogs with practice on a mannequin used by veterinary schools
- choking, shock and severe bleeding
- how to handle common emergencies
- making a pet first aid kit and preparing for emergencies
- local contacts for pet welfare and emergencies
The cost of this course is $65 per person. This fee includes a pet first aid textbook. Pet First Aid Kits can be purchased for $34.95. Space is limited, so pre-registration and payment in advance is required. To register, please call 204-982-3555.
Pet First Aid Kit
A St. John Ambulance pet first aid kit is available for purchase at our WHS Gift Shop, even if you don’t register for the course. The cost of the kit is $34.95 and includes the following:
- Dressing
- Sterile Gauze Pads
- Cotton Tip Applicators
- TriangularBand
- Universal Scissors
- Tongue Depressors
- Splinter Forceps
- Sting Stop Prop Pads
- Mayday Water Pouches
- Splint Metal/Aluminum
- Adhesive Tape
- Anticeptic Wipes
- Tensor
- Splinter Out
- Rectal Thermometer
- Wound Seal Topical Powder
- Conforming Gauze
- Syringe
- Lubricating Jelly
- Pet Manual (St. John Ambulance)
- Gloves